This website changed my life! I can't say thank you enough! I begged Jah for years to help me out of an abusive situation & to yoke me with a spiritual man who loves Jehovah.
Jade, 02 Februar 2016
I met a beautiful sister named Rose. Jehovah has blessed us with uniting us. We both are in a happy relationship with Jehovah being our three fold cord. We are working towards growing with one another with marriage as our goal for our future. Thank you for the site and helping with our union together.
Clint, 15 März 2024
I lived in California and I successfully found my match in Florida, we're both spiritually strong, and courted correctly and now we're about to get married due to the high moral standards of the Bible and we're truly in love, the website's pretty good thank you.
Jesse, 09 Dezember 2024